Automatic translations with TYPO3

wv_deepltranslate - Early Access Program launched

The TYPO3 extension wv_deepltranslate offers a seamless integration of DeepL translations into your website. With this extension, you can quickly and easily translate content into multiple languages automatically from within TYPO3 to expand your international reach.

Save valuable hours of manual labor or the cost of external translation services.

In the Early Access Program for the DeepL Translate Extension for TYPO3 12 LTS, partners receive the following benefits:

  • Access to the latest extension version wv_deepltranslate - Ready for TYPO3 12 LTS
  • Access to the code repository for 12 months, extended access for Composer users for 15 months (via
  • Priority access to support services
  • Your logo and link on our DeepL Translate website
  • PREVIEW: Access to demo instances with exclusive insights
  • EXCLUSIVE: Add-On Extension: Activate Translated Content - Activates all translated content on a page at the touch of a button. No more tedious activation of individual content elements.

Register here as an early access partner for the wv_deepltranslate extension for TYPO3 v12.