TYPO3 Development
As a long-time TYPO3 Association Gold Member and TYPO3 agency, web-vision develops TYPO3 extensions, extensions and applications. In order to make the daily workflow of your TYPO3 website as efficient as possible, we attach great importance to outstanding quality and sustainability through core-oriented TYPO3 development. In the following you will get an insight into the currently available TYPO3 extensions, which are in use in various TYPO3 instances. In addition, web-vision develops individual extensions and solutions according to project planning and customer specifications that are specially tailored to your applications. Already during the conception and planning of your TYPO3 project, we advise you as
TYPO3 CMS Certified Consultant: In addition to the wishes for your TYPO3 development, we also consider related topics such as long-term support, future technical changes due to the further development of TYPO3 and PHP, server infrastructure and general conditions, as well as measures for search service optimization.
TYPO3 extension development
As part of our daily work on various TYPO3 projects, we regularly publish TYPO3 extensions for the TYPO3 community after consultation with our customers. These TYPO3 extensions are then available free of charge as open source for use in other projects.
Below we have listed a small excerpt of current TYPO3 extensions in our web-vision GitHub profile:
- wv_deepltranslate - The DeepL Translate Extensions enable automatic translation of content in the TYPO3 backend with the translation service DeepL. Various add-on extensions for DeepL Translate make it even more convenient to use in TYPO3.
- Mage-UniTY - The TYPO3 version of the extension enables the connection of a Magento store with TYPO3. TYPO3 can thus be used as a content management system for Magento. In addition to interesting SEO features, the full range of functions for professional content management is also available in Magento.
- wv_form_db_insert
The wv_form_db_insert TYPO3 extension enables form entries to be saved in the TYPO3 database using the TYPO3 core form extension. This eliminates the need to use extensive form extensions. - wv_file_delete_references
The wv_file_delete_references TYPO3 extension adds an additional delete button to the TYPO3 file list, where media and image files are usually managed. This delete button not only removes the file itself, but also deletes the corresponding file link in TYPO3 content elements. - adfc_pagenotfound
The adfc_pagenotfound TYPO3 extension extends the TYPO3 core system with the function that, depending on the login status, the user is either redirected to a 404 page not found page or to another page if the user is logged into the TYPO3 system. This extension was originally developed by ADFC. web-vision has further developed and significantly modified the extension. - sitemap_generator
The sitemap_generator TYPO3 extension enables the generation of sitemap.xml files, which can then be transferred to search services such as Google in order to achieve easier indexing there. This extension was originally developed by Markus Sommer. web-vision has further developed and modified the extension. - wv_file_cleanup
The wv_file_cleanup TYPO3 extension enables automatic cleanup of unnecessary media content such as images, PDF documents or video files that are no longer used in TYPO3 content elements. Based on the content elements and the existing folder structures on the server, the extension analyzes possible files that can be deleted. The files can be checked using file extensions (e.g. *.pdf) and moved to a cache for further checking by a TYPO3 editor. Here the editor can either restore the file, delete it manually or wait for the scheduled automatic deletion (e.g. after 30 days).
This is only a small excerpt from the published web-vision TYPO3 extensions. Further TYPO3 extensions that are available for free download on GitHub are: wv_feuser_locations, wv_form_email, typo3-wv_pdfgen, wv_translation, typo3-wv_emailreplacer, typo3-wv_fb_import and many more.
We are constantly committed to the training and further education of our employees. The qualification and certification of our employees in the various areas of TYPO3 development is therefore a matter of course for us. As of 09/2023, our employees have 18 Scrum and the following TYPO3 certifications: