Mage UniTY
Better SEO content through integration of TYPO3 in Magento
Benefit from the professional content management features of TYPO3 and combine them with the e-commerce advantages of Magento. Mage UniTY delivers SEO features otherwise reserved for the largest websites:
- Versioned and scheduled content for better on-page content
- Customized SEO content for filter and pagination pages
- Individual SEO content for products and product variants
- Rule-based and individual content delivery in combination with Mautic
- Marketing automation
- and much more.
Top rankings on Google
With the option to add individual content to each category subpage or pagination page and also filter pages, you can combine almost countless content pages fromdifferent product attributes and providewith relevant content for your users.
This has an immediate and lasting positive effect on the rankings for these keywords.
Individual SEO content also for filters or pagination pages
A category page in an online store usually contains hundreds or even thousands of products. The customer can then "browse" to the next page by pagination or filter their selection based on product features.
The standard procedure for most online stores is to add an appendix to the URL of the category, for example "&p=2" for the 2nd page or "?color=51" for a specific color.
However, this circumstance poses some problems:
- While products change, content such as SEO texts, supplementary category images remain and do not change.
In the "best case scenario", the user does not see any matching content to their product selection and thus receives a negative user experience. - Google and other search services normally index content based on the URL.
Regardless of whether you list 10, 100 or thousands of products on a URL, the address used for Google is always assigned to a content page. In most cases, only the comprehensive content is used by Google.
This is exactly what Mage UniTY solves. With Mage UniTY it is possible to deliver each pagination page with an individual page title, a unique canonical URL and SEO and content marketing content matching the products. All pagination pages and filters can then be individualized as required and submitted to Google for indexing via Google Sitemap.
Magento and TYPO3 CMS - the perfect team with Mage UniTY
Mage UniTY provides you with all the functions of TYPO3, such as granular rights management, workflows, time-controlled content, versioning of content, over 1,800 available TYPO3 extensions and much more for the expansion of your online store. When integrating both systems, either existing Magento templates are used as the basis for the output or can be integrated from TYPO3.
Existing Magento templates do not have to be adapted separately for the integration. By using Mage UniTY, content pages, magazines, SEOlanding pages, newsletters, etc. can be easily created, provided with any content and managed via TYPO3. Complete navigation structures can be automatically transferred to Magento without manual linking.